Coronavirus is considered to be a major outbreak that’s been flashing in the news for months now. Here are some Do’s and Dont’s during this Lockdown. Media’s are trying to cover each and every movement of the Corona Virus in order to deliver the possible ways to overcome the outbreak.
But as a result, what we see today is totally opposite to what media persons aimed. People Have started to panic and also I could see a lot of trolls. Am not a Medical Person yet I have collected some information which could help you in this current situation.
Before entering into the topic, I would like to inform you that there is a poll at the end of the article. Do share your opinion. Alright,
Corona Outbreak –
By Now, You could have known about the origin and the total history of Corona Virus though the News channels and Social Media’s. Coronavirus has become a bigger threat throughout each and every country.
In India as of now, there are 694 cases confirmed as positive for Corona Virus. Globally, there are 529,614 cases which are been gradually increasing to a higher rate.
The very first case appeared in China, which is believed to be found on December 1st. But still, some suggest that it could have started to spread during November 2019 or before.
You could have heard about the countries suffering from the Coronavirus Outbreak. Italy has recorded the highest death rate and they are still suffering to get a proper treatment. The rate of spread is increasing day by day in the USA.
We are near the stage 3 of the pandemic and we are not even close to the facilities that other countries have.
Italy and other countries are considered to be the number one places which has the best medical facilities compared to our country. Even they are struggling to stop the spread of the virus. Think about us!!!. To stop the spread……..
We Should Co-Operate With the Government
Government has announced a National shutdown for 21 days which I personally consider as the best way to overcome this Pandemic.
At the time of writing this post, 3 weeks Lockdown has been imposed in India and which I guess could be extended until the end of April. This Lockdown should be followed in order to break the cycle of the Corona Virus Spread.
The outbreak of this Corona Virus can only be controlled through Social distancing and staying Self-isolated. Government has already cancelled all Transport systems in order to avoid the spread of this virus. 144 has been implemented throughout the country in order to make sure there is no movement inside the country.

But still, We could see quite a lot of people moving around the streets, markets and the shops in order to refill their stocks. It’s mandatory to check, everything is fine.
But still, the Government has promised us and are taking steps as soon as possible in order to make sure you are receiving the daily products without any interruption. So I suggest you to stay indoors as much as possible.
Do’s and Dont’s During this Self-Isolated Period –
- During this Self-Isolated period, Do Try to spend some Quality time with your family members.
- Don’t ever panic for the daily supplies, because Government is taking steps in order to make every product available near you, so Don’t Panic.
- Corona Virus could spread easily so maintain the Social distancing with other people if you get to go outside your house.
- This point could start a war, but still, I would suggest not to get too involved with the news channels for continuous hours because that could make some people( am talking about that small amount of people) who could get panic with the news. Others do look out towards the news channels for continuous updates of the current state of Corona Virus. Journalist’s are working day and night to deliver the news to people so, I respect them too.

- Never leave your house until there is a proper need because Corona Virus is considered as AIR-Bourne, therefore, it could spread easily to children’s and Aged persons.
- Don’t even think of travelling anywhere now. This shutdown is not the right time to celebrate something, it’s our responsibility to stay indoors in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
- The next major thing is to Be Positive and Spread positivity. At present positive thoughts could help you and others to overcome the panic situation.
- There are plenty of time and If you don’t really have a plan, let me suggest you some Good books, Television series and Movies. Do watch it if you are bored. This is only to make you guys stay in home and nothing more. Let me post it as a separate post.
Some Shocking Things I Heard –
I would like to add a piece of information which came to my vision recently. A thriller novel named ” The Eyes of Darkness”, Written by Dean Koontz and was published in the year 1981 has mentioned about a Virus named Wuhan-400. The book also talks about a military lab that creates a virus as part of its Biological weapons program in Wuhan. What we see today was mentioned back in 1981 says some Media’s.
And to add more suspicion to that, A Korean Television series ” My Secret Terrius” which released back in 2018 has a scene in 10th episode in its first season in which they mention about the Coronavirus at the 53rd minute.
It was a great shock when I came across these scenes and the news. After this, I surfed the Internet to verify whether this news is correct and I found many articles mentioning it. To an example, Let me leave an article link from
and I don’t really know how much is true.
Also am not into the topic whether it’s a Bio-weapon or it really did Spread through the Bats (or) Snakes. If you get a chance and if your Lockdown days start to bore then check out the series and the book. There is an E-copy of that Book available over the Internet.
Corona Virus Outbreak and Valuation –
To know more about the current Number of the Corona Virus positive cases, check out the links below,
- COVID-19 Valuation by the bing.
- COVID-19 Situation by
Advice For The People Given By WHO –
To know more about the advice for the people given by WHO to this Coronavirus disease, I’ll drop a link below,
COVID-19 advice by WHO.
Some Simple Questions :

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Continue reading my post on –
- What’s Artificial Intelligence
- How did I start blogging?
- Chennai to Bangalore Road Trip
- How to Start a Blog? Doesn’t know where to start?
- Life Is Hard than we Think!
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A needed post at the right.. saving the family , friends (world) was never this easy please stay home save human race
Well said Rithika!.