AI in other words “Artificial Intelligence”. What’s Artificial Intelligence?.
AI is something am so interested to learn about. How Does that happen?. Let us see about Artificial intelligence and how it’s going to change everything in the Future. So first of all, What’s Artificial Intelligence?…
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What’s Artificial Intelligence?? :
In simple words, “A machine is trained to make decision’s on its own like humans whenever a complicated situation arises” is what we call as Artificial Intelligence. Today researchers are more concerned about developing AI programs with the ability to learn, solve problems and think logically. Artificial intelligence is actually different from what you imagine. Understanding Human speech is considered as a successful AI today. But you are yet to see what an actual AI machine can do.
Why am I so interested in AI is something I always Wonder. Like many kid’s, I got familiar with AI from the famous Ironman Movie. Yes am a big fan of that movie and that drew my interest in Knowing AI. Artificial intelligence is somewhat different from what we know in general and through AI we can achieve many tasks.
AI is a booming industry now and in the near future, everything you see would be automated.
Machine learning, Deep learning, Automation are some of the Subsets of AI technology. On a basic note, there are two types of AI
- Strong and
- Weak AI.
Strong AI – Strong AI does the tasks which are equal to the amount of task a human could do.
Weak AI – A Weak AI is considered to be doing a narrow amount of tasks like the virtual assistant’s that we use today.

Machine learning:
Let me tell you, Machine learning is an algorithm that allows helps in developing a software application to be accurate in predicting answer’s or outcomes without being programmed before. There are multiple Categories under Machine learning,
- Supervised and
- Unsupervised.
Deep Learning:
Deep Learning is a Major element in data science which includes Statistics and predictive modelling. To make it more easy to understand, “Certain things are to be learned ourselves, the same way machine learns certain tasks by itself without any human command’s”. It learns automatically through some interactions with human’s (like a child👶🏼).
How AI is Going to Change the Future?
Is Artificial Intelligence used in different area’s?.
Yes, It is.
Artificial Intelligence would probably change the way we look at computers and machines. Artificial intelligence is used in business, education and finance sectors. From Automated Drone’s to Robots the AI technologies are in massive development. It actually should do the task’s with correct accuracy and within the deadlines without any human interference. AI is becoming a normal thing nowadays because we see it in our day to day life.
Do you know about the countries that are top in Artificial Intelligence?. To my shock, firstly its Germany that’s in top one in the list. Actually I thought it would be the USA but its totally unpredictable. Yes like I said manufacturing Industries are going to be the one who is utilising this technology inch by inch. Automobile manufacturing is a big field and robots are going to be very helpful in this field.
Could AI change the way we see Technology
It’s definitely yes!. Technology is something which helps humans in doing their daily tasks. Technology and gadgets we see today are nowhere near to future products. The fields where AI will play a vital role are,
Artificial Intelligence in Health care
Most importantly we could see some Healthcare devices in the future which can diagnose more symptoms of a disease with ease. so, the rate of prediction will be more accurate. AI robots are to be extensively used in operations and other medical facilities. AI in healthcare’s industry will be the next big thing expected to make history.
Artificial Intelligence in Transportation
Automated Transportation is something we are yet to see its full potential. Many companies are working towards developing a fully automated vehicle. You could have heard about Driverless cars. It’s something we never knew if it could work, back in 2014. But right now it’s been tested all over the world. The reports are positive that the cars can drive through with the proper accuracy. They do run with the help of sensors which are capable of finding out the obstacles and reporting it to a machine which takes the decisions automatically to stop or to continue moving a vehicle. Not Driverless Trains are extensively used in many countries today.
“AI” Virtual Assistant
Customer services through AI are also something is in the development process. Google is working on an AI assistant which is capable of placing human-like calls to some restaurants or saloons to make appointments directly over the phone. Google has even given a demo on this functionality in the recent presentation.
“AI” in Manufacturing and Delivering Industries
Manufacturing industries are going to be the area where AI will be used in a large-scale. A machine performs multiple tasks a human cannot perform. It is also cost-effective when it comes to a machine. The products will be delivered through drones and robots in the near future.
what if these were Fully Automated?. And that’s a content for my next Tech Post. Do signup through the newsletter for more updates on Tech, Travel, Motivation, WordPress and more.
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Interesting bro keep going , if it’s been a heat topic to techie’s, #tesla & #alexa we are wondering.
Thank you so for your support bro.!!